
ThemeWare® 3.5.2

Published: 11. February, 2025

ThemeWare® 3.5.2

ThemeWare® 3.5.2 is now available! 🎉 The new release includes the following changes:


  • File size for datasheets added
  • File size for downloads added
  • Configuration for the outer spacing of CMS sections in Shopping Experiences added #FeatureRequest
  • Configuration for the background colour of checkboxes and radio buttons added #FeatureRequest
  • Configuration for the box shadow colour of form fields @focus added


  • Spacings in the buybox improved
  • The "Focus Visibility" of CMS banners has been improved for better accessibility [Pro Edition]
  • The "Focus Visibility" of CMS teasers has been improved for better accessibility [Pro Edition]
  • The configuration of some CMS elements improved [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Advanced teaser" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Button teaser" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Call-To-Action" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Classic teaser" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Hero teaser" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Image teaser" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Modern teaser" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Text teaser" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Configuration of the "Text teaser (decorated)" extended [Pro Edition]
  • Empty "Widget" container in the "USP bar" prevented #FeatureRequest
  • Twig blocks added around footer elements (e.g. the 'Footer navigation') #FeatureRequest
  • Bugfix: JS error with missing USP bar in "Full-width sticky header" fixed
  • Bugfix: Missing Shopware icons for the USP bar added


  • Check the new colour configurations for form fields and adapt them to your design if necessary.


File size for datasheets added

The file size of a data sheet is now displayed in KB or MB next to the download link. The visitor can therefore better estimate the possible data consumption.

File size for downloads added

The file size of a download is now displayed next to the download link in KB or MB. The visitor can therefore better estimate the possible data consumption.

Configuration for the outer spacing of CMS sections in Shopping Experiences added #FeatureRequest

In addition to the configuration "Outer spacing left/right @Phone (<576px)" for non-CMS pages, the configuration "Outer spacing left/right @Phone (<576px)" for CMS sections in Shopping Experiences has been added in this release.

Tab "Shopping Experiences" => Block "All types (Shop pages, Landing pages, Listing pages, Product pages)" => Section "CMS section"

Configuration for the background colour of checkboxes and radio buttons added #FeatureRequest

A feature request for configuring the background colour of checkboxes and radio buttons has been implemented. As part of this, we have darkened the background colour slightly to improve accessibility.

Note: Check the new configuration after the update and adjust the background colour of your checkboxes and radio buttons to your needs.

Configuration for the box shadow colour of form fields @focus added

To improve accessibility, some form fields @focus have a box shadow. This colour corresponds to the primary colour of the shop. As this is not the ideal solution in every case, we have made the colour configurable.

Changes in detail

Spacings in the buybox improved

The spacing between various elements of the buybox has been improved.

The "Focus Visibility" of CMS banners has been improved for better accessibility [Pro Edition]

The "Focus Visibility" of the CMS banners has been optimised to improve accessibility. As a result, they are now more visible in keyboard navigation, which increases accessibility for all users.

The "Focus Visibility" of CMS teasers has been improved for better accessibility [Pro Edition]

The "Focus Visibility" of the CMS teasers has been optimised to improve accessibility. As a result, they are now more visible in keyboard navigation, which increases accessibility for all users.

Configuration of some CMS elements has been improved [Pro]

The configuration of various CMS elements has been improved, standardised and tidied up. Duplicate admin snippets have also been removed.

Configuration of the "Advanced teaser" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Advanced teaser" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

This determines how the image is aligned in display mode "Cover" and on which side it is cut off.

Configuration of the "Button teaser" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Advanced teaser" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Configuration of the "Call-To-Action" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Call-To-Action" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Configuration of the "Classic teaser" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Classic teaser" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Configuration of the "Hero teaser" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Hero teaser" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Configuration of the "Image teaser" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Image teaser" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Configuration of the "Modern teaser" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Modern teaser" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Configuration of the "Text teaser" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Text teaser" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Configuration of the "Text teaser (decorated)" extended [Pro Edition]

The configuration of the "Text teaser (decorated)" has been extended to include "Horizontal positioning" of the image in the "Cover" display mode.

Empty "Widget" container in the "USP bar" prevented #FeatureRequest

The DIV container of widgets is now no longer displayed in the USP bar if no widget is to be displayed.

Tip: If you do not need a widget in the "USP bar", please use a "Layout type" without a widget.

Twig blocks added around footer elements (e.g. the 'Footer navigation') #FeatureRequest

Twig blocks have been added around the footer elements (e.g. the 'Footer navigation'). The corresponding template files for the footer elements have been adapted. (Note: The naming of the blocks is not yet final and may change again with the next major release).

Bugfix: JS error with missing USP bar in "Full-width sticky header" fixed

A JavaScript error in the storefront with missing USP bar in the "Full-Width sticky header" has been fixed.

Bugfix: Missing Shopware icons for the USP bar added

We have added missing or newer Shopware icons – for example for use in the "USP bar". The template file "twt-icons.html.twig" has been updated for this purpose.


Check the new colour configurations for form fields and adapt them to your design if necessary.

In this release, configuration fields for checkboxes and radio buttons as well as for the drop shadow colour of form fields @focus have been added. Check the new fields and adapt them to your design if necessary.