Portal for Shopware 5


With ThemeWare® you not only get a sales-promoting and extremely customisable theme, but also an extremely large number of regular updates with new features, improvements and fixes. In this changelog you will find all releases (or versions or updates) of ThemeWare® for Shopware 6.

Version 3.3


  • Bugfix: Change to "Listing subcategories" extension from version 3.3.1 reverted
  • Bugfix: Empty "Listing subcategories (Modern)" blocks are no longer displayed Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Recursion of the CMS element "Listing subcategories (Modern)" fixed Pro edition


  • CMS styling can be activated for pages of the "B2B Components" of Shopware #beta
  • The CMS extension "Listing subcategories" can now be tested on shop pages Pro edition Feature request #beta
  • The theme extension "Listing subcategories" can now be tested on shop pages Feature request #beta


  • Improved representation of "Reviews" in the accordion Pro edition
  • The label of the "Language menu" can be shown/hidden in the offcanvas navigation
  • The label of the "Currencies menu" can be shown/hidden in the offcanvas navigation
  • The label of the "Service menu" can be shown/hidden in the offcanvas navigation Feature request
  • The icon of the "Service menu" can be shown/hidden in the offcanvas navigation Feature request
  • The condition for displaying the "Quantity selection" in the listing has been improved
  • The condition for displaying the "Quantity selection" in the listview has been improved
  • Preview of the "Listing subcategories" CMS extension improved Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Display of "Hero sections" on home pages of the page type "Shop page" has been prevented
  • Bugfix: Display of "Hero sections" on home pages of the page type "Listing page" has been prevented
  • Bugfix: Display of the breadcrumb on home pages that are not of the page type "Landing page" prevented
  • Bugfix: Display of an empty breadcrumb on dedicated landing pages prevented
  • Bugfix: The reviews button in the buy box should now scroll to the reviews accordion Pro edition


  • CMS block/element "Advanced banner" added Pro edition Feature request #beta
  • CMS block/element "Advanced teaser" added Pro edition Feature request #beta
  • CMS block/element "Hero teaser" added Pro edition #beta
  • CMS block/element "Listing subcategories (Modern)" added Pro edition #beta
  • CMS block "Grid 'Two'" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Two' (swapped)" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Three'" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Three' (swapped)" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Four'" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Four' (swapped)" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Five'" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Five' (swapped)" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Six'" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Six' (swapped)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration "Lazy loading" for the "Listing subcategories" added
  • Configuration "Lazy loading" added in various CMS elements Pro edition


  • Improved alignment of the icon and text in the shopping cart button
  • Image mapping added to all CMS banner elements Pro edition Feature request
  • Fallback title attribute added for images in some CMS-Elements Pro edition
  • Hover effect is also available when the "Image teaser" is not linked Pro edition Feature request
  • Hover effect of cart button in product boxes in phone viewport disabled
  • Notice on mandatory fields in CMS previews improved Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Hide manufacturer label in product boxes if no manufacturer is available
Version 3.2


  • The position of the breadcrumb in the "Hero section" extension can be configured Premium request
  • Configuration "show (via custom field)" added to the "Listing subcategories" extension
  • Configuration "Position" of the "Badges" in the buy box added
  • Configuration "Position" of the "Benefits" in the buy box added Feature request
  • Configuration "Show headline" of the "Benefits" in the buy box added


  • Presentation of the new "Close" button of the search in Shopware improved
  • Round corners of the "Search" button in Shopware improved
  • Improvements to the "Sticky image gallery and buy box" functionality
  • Various improvements to the "Listing subcategories" extension
  • Various improvements and fixes to the "Hero section" extension
  • Bugfix: Outside slider navigation dots not visible in Shopware


  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • Configuration for the color of active menu items in the flyout added Feature request
  • Order in the "Sales Promoting Navigation" without "Cart button highlighting" enabled
  • Srcset for images in the CMS extension "Listing subcategories" improved Pro edition
  • Srcset for images in the extension "Listing subcategories" improved
  • Srcset for images in the product box in individual column layouts improved
  • Bugfix: A bug of the account dropdown in the Shopware default theme has been fixed
  • Bugfix: Loader icon of the search button in the header fixed
  • Bugfix: Restored LENZ plugin functionality in Shopping Experiences Pro edition



  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • Improved representation of buttons in CMS configurations Pro edition
  • Bugfix: SCSS error in the storefront watcher fixed
  • Bugfix: Variant characteristics are hidden correctly


  • Bugfix: Missing review tab is visible again
  • Bugfix: Variant characteristics are hidden correctly again


  • CMS block "Grid 'Modern' (swapped)" added Pro edition Premium request
  • CMS block/element "Product description & reviews (Accordion)" added Pro edition #beta
  • CMS blocks "Image gallery and buy box" with additional slots added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS element "Image gallery (Grid)" added Pro edition #beta
  • New tab "Datasheets" added
  • New CSS "spacing classes" for column and grid blocks added
  • New extension "Hero section" added
  • New extension "Quickview" added Feature request #beta
  • New feature "Dropdown top navigation" added Feature request #beta
  • New feature "Quantity selection in product boxes" added #beta
  • New feature "Product image resizing" added #beta
  • New feature "Datasheets" added to the "Description" tab
  • New feature "Downloads" added to the "Description" tab
  • New feature "HTML5 videos" added to the "Description" tab
  • New feature "HTML5 video" added to the "Product videos" tab
  • New feature "Comment" added to the "Description" tab
  • New feature "Related links" added to the "Description" tab
  • New configuration for a heading of the "Category navigation" (Sidebar) added
  • New option "Listview" added to the listing element Pro edition #beta
  • New product custom fields for "Datasheets" added Feature request
  • New product custom fields for "Downloads" added
  • New product custom fields for "HTML5-Videos" added Feature request
  • New product custom fields for "Related links" added
  • New product custom field for a "Comment" added
  • New category custom fields "Columns per row" added
  • New category custom field for "Hero section" added
  • New category custom field for "Listing subcategories" added


  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • Blur effect for the "Cookie permission" overlay can be configured
  • Blur effect for the "Fullscreen search" overlay can be configured
  • Blur effect for modal backdrops can be configured
  • CSS "spacing classes" for column and grid blocks updated and fixed
  • Layout of tables on product pages improved
  • Extension "Listing subcategories" reworked
  • Colour contrast of the "Product badges" improved
  • Five-column option added for "Listing" layouts #beta
  • Five-column option added to the "Listing subcategories" extension #beta
  • Hover effect "slide up (NEW)" of the "Buy button" improved
  • Hover effect of links in the "Flyout" of the "Top navigation" improved
  • Icon for external links in the "Flyout" of the "Top navigation" added #beta
  • Configuration of the spacings of the "Sidebar widgets" extended and improved
  • Padding of the "Copyright footer" in mobile viewports improved
  • Tab "Description" reworked
  • Tab "Custom content" reworked
  • Tab "Manufacturer" reworked
  • Tab "Product videos" reworked
  • Preview of some CMS elements improved Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Alignment of footer headlines in mobile viewports improved
  • Bugfix: The backdrop colour of the "Cookie permission" can be configured again
  • Bugfix: Properties headline and infotext in the "Description" tab fixed
  • Bugfix: Background colour of modals fixed


  • The extension "Listing subcategories" has been moved to another template file
  • The template files for the "Custom tab" have been reworked
  • The template files for the "Video tab" have been reworked
  • The "Fullscreen search" has a new configuration for the background colour of the overlay
  • Modals have a new configuration for the background colour of the backdrop
  • For more information on changes, please visit our Service Portal (
Version 3.1


  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • Improved appearance of the account pages of the "Shopware Commercial" extension
  • Bugfix: "Custom image 5" in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget fixed
  • Bugfix: Theme configuration fixed when using more than one theme Pro edition


  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • Bugfix: Typo in the storefront template of the "Parallax banner" fixed Pro edition


  • Improved representation of the quantity selection with packaging unit
  • Colour contrast of the description of payment/shipping methods improved
  • Colour contrast of the "Product badges" improved
  • Bugfix: Background colour of modals fixed


  • Bugfix: Wrapping of the payment and shipping method logos in the widgets fixed


  • Configuration for the width of the "Flyout search" added
  • Configuration for a more compact layout of the "Product boxes" added
  • Configuration "CSS class" for the button in the "Call-To-Action slide" added Pro edition
  • Configuration "nofollow" added to the "Announcement banner" Feature request
  • Configuration "nofollow" added to the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget Feature request
  • Configuration "nofollow" added to the widget "Communities or social media" Feature request
  • Configuration "Text shadow" added to the "Call-To-Action" Pro edition
  • Configuration "Text shadow" added to the "Call-To-Action slide" Pro edition
  • Configuration "Text shadow" added to the "Text slide" Pro edition
  • Configuration "Text alignment" added to the "Call-To-Action slide" Pro edition
  • Configuration "Text alignment" added to the "Text slide" Pro edition
  • Configuration for deactivating the link for images in the "Awards, seals ..." widget added Feature request
  • Configuration for disabling the CMS styling on "Account" pages added
  • Configuration for disabling the CMS styling on "Checkout" pages added
  • Configuration for disabling the CMS styling on "Login" pages added
  • Various improvements in the field of pagespeed and accessibility
  • Additional snippets added for URLs of links in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget


  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • CMS block/element "Custom code (HTML/CSS/JS)" improved Pro edition
  • Styling of different buttons improved
  • Styling of different elements of the "Wishlist" improved
  • The "Discount badge" now uses local decimal separators Feature request
  • The option "none" of the "HTML tag" configuration no longer adds any styling Pro edition Feature request
  • Minor improvements in the theme configuration
  • Minor template improvements in various CMS elements Pro edition
  • Added lazy loading for images the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget
  • Added lazy loading for images in CMS elements Pro edition
  • Added lazy loading for payment and shipping logos
  • Lighthouse improvements in the footer
  • Lighthouse improvements in the "Hero slider" Pro edition
  • New "Default" option added to "HTML tag" configuration Pro edition
  • Position of payment/shipping methods is now considered in the widgets Feature request
  • Responsive behaviour of the images in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget improved
  • Template files from the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget updated
  • Snippets in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget updated
  • Twig "string quotation" reworked
  • Improved URL encoding of the "Further products" link in the manufacturer tab
  • Improvements (HTML and CSS) to the headings in various CMS elements Pro edition
  • Preview of the CMS element "Image & text layered" improved Pro edition
  • Bugfix: "Sharing links", "Benefits" and "Payment logos" in the buybox are now only displayed on product pages
  • Bugfix: Button of the "Call-To-Action" fixed Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Representation of the manufacturer in product boxes has been fixed
  • Bugfix: Configuration of the "Input search" improved
  • Bugfix: Configuration of the "Hero banner" fixed Pro edition
  • Bugfix: SCSS error in the storefront watcher fixed
  • Bugfix: Some icons for Firefox browsers improved


  • Please now use the new "title" snippets in the "Awards, seals or certificate" widget
  • The link from the "Announcement banner" is now "nofollow"
  • The "Flyout search" has new configurations for the width
  • Links of the images in the "Awards, seals or certificates" widget are now "nofollow"
  • Links of the logos in the "Communities or Social Media" widget are now "nofollow"
  • For more information on all changes please visit our Service Portal (
Version 3.0


  • Compatibility established with Shopware 6.6
  • CMS block "Two columns, 3-9 (swapped on phones)" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 4-8 (swapped on phones)" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 5-7 (swapped on phones)" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 7-5 (swapped on phones)" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 8-4 (swapped on phones)" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 9-3 (swapped on phones)" added Feature request
  • CMS block/element "Custom code (HTML/CSS/JS)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS element "Hero banner" added Pro edition
  • CMS element "Parallax banner" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the HTML tag of the subtitle in the "Text teaser" added Pro edition
  • Configurations for "CSS classes" added to various CMS elements Pro edition


  • Minor improvements in the theme configuration Pro edition
  • Configuration for a parallax effect added to the "Image banner" Pro edition Feature request
  • Shopware 6.6: Enabled asynchronous JavaScript with dynamic imports in the Storefront
  • Shopware 6.6: All CMS blocks migrated to Vue 3 Pro edition
  • Shopware 6.6: All CMS elements migrated to Vue 3 Pro edition
  • Shopware 6.6: Breadcrumb changes in Shopware 6.6 adopted
  • Shopware 6.6: Removal of all.js from the Storefront taken into account
  • Shopware 6.6: SCSS changes in Shopware 6.6 adopted
  • Shopware 6.6: TWIG changes in Shopware 6.6 adopted
  • Shopware 6.6: Improved theme configuration updated Pro edition
  • Some Twig blocks added or renamed
  • Links in CMS elements are now underlined for better readability Pro edition Feature request
  • Deprecated SCSS and Twig code has been removed
  • Configuration of all CMS elements improved Pro edition
  • Improved styling of the configuration of CMS elements Pro edition
  • Preview of some CMS elements improved Pro edition
  • Bugfix: CSS column spacing classes in CMS column blocks fixed Cloud edition
  • Bugfix: Layout "Inverted" of CMS element "Image & text layered" fixed Pro edition


  • For more information on changes, please visit our Service Portal (
  • The "classic" product page has been replaced by the default CMS layout in Shopware 6.6.
  • The "classic" breadcrumb has been replaced by the CMS breadcrumb in Shopware 6.6.
Version 2.2


  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • Measures in the "Product specifications" use local decimal separators Feature request
  • Improvements in the theme configuration and in some files
  • Bugfix: Error with multiple successive "Hero sliders" fixed Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Improved representation of price filters in different browsers


  • CMS block/element "Round teaser" added Pro edition
  • CMS block/element "Image & text layered" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Six columns (custom)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the background colour of the "Countdown banner" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the background colour of the "Countdown banner (compact)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the horizontal alignment in the "Countdown banner (compact)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the horizontal image positioning in the "Call-To-Action" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the maximum width of the "Image teaser" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the maximum width in the "Countdown banner (compact)" added Pro edition


  • CSS classes for column spacing in CMS blocks reworked
  • Presentation in display mode "Standard" of the "Image teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Horizontal alignment of the "Image Teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Storefront template files of all CMS elements updated Pro edition
  • Variables of the "Hover box" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of CMS teaser elements enhanced Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Duplicate title attribute in the "My account" button fixed
  • Bugfix: Colour assignment of the badges of all action buttons in the header fixed
  • Bugfix: Colour assignment of the product badges fixed
  • Bugfix: Unnecessary gap on the left and right of the breadcrumb with the width "100% (Full-width)" removed


  • Twig blocks in template files of some CMS elements have been renamed. Please check your template customisations. Pro edition
Version 2.1


  • Subtitle added to the "Text teaser" Pro edition
  • Configuration for the corner type of the "Rating in product boxes" added
  • Configuration for the font weight in the "Text teaser" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the font weight in the "Text teaser (decorated)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for text formatting in the "Text teaser" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for text formatting in the "Text teaser (decorated)" added Pro edition


  • Alignment of the badges, rating and the wishlist button in product boxes improved
  • Mobile appearance of the "Countdown banner" improved Pro edition
  • Preloading of the "Countdown banner" improved Pro edition Feature request
  • Bugfix: Appearance of arrows in the product slider improved
  • Bugfix: Colour assignment of the purchase button on product pages fixed
  • Bugfix: Configuration of the text colour in the "Hero countdown (Heading)" fixed Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Typo in the "max-width" CSS classes fixed


  • CMS block/element "Testimonial (Customer review)" added Pro edition Premium request
  • CMS block "Testimonials (Four columns)" added Pro edition Premium request
  • CSS "max-width" classes for Shopping Experiences added


  • Help texts in the theme configuration extended
  • Categories of the type "Link" are now considered in the "Listing subcategories"
  • Categories of the type "Structuring element" are no longer displayed in the "Listing subcategories"
  • Improved appearance of the "Hero slides" below the breakpoints Pro edition
  • Improved appearance of the "Listing subcategories"
  • Improved appearance of the "Text teaser" with shadows Pro edition
  • Improved appearance of "Text teaser (decorated)" with line breaks Pro edition
  • Preview of "Listing subcategories" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Call-to-Action" improved Pro edition
  • Bugfix: "twt-cms-col-margin" classes fixed
  • Bugfix: The configuration "HTML tag as class" now changes the font size correctly Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Coloured overlay of the "Image teaser" is displayed again Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Font of the "Listing subcategories" is applied correctly
  • Bugfix: Snippets of the "Countdown banner" fixed Pro edition



  • SCSS improvements for the Storefront
  • Theme JS plugins updated
  • Bugfix: CSS classes "twt-cms-boxed-content" and "twt-cms-block-boxed" fixed
  • Bugfix: "Floating widget" can be closed again


  • Bugfix: Presentation of the comment field in the checkout improved


  • New extension "Checkout steps" added
  • New extension "Listing subcategories" added
  • CMS block/element "Listing subcategories" added Pro edition
  • CMS block/element "Image teaser" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "One column" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Three columns, 2-8-2" added Cloud edition
  • CMS block "Three columns, 3-6-3" added Cloud edition
  • CMS block "Three columns, 2-2-8" added
  • CMS block "Three columns, 3-3-6" added
  • CMS block "Three columns, 6-3-3" added
  • CMS block "Three columns, 8-2-2" added
  • CMS block "Hero slider (2x)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS block "Hero slider (4x)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns (swapped on phones)" added Cloud edition
  • CMS element "Image slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • Colour overlay added to "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" Pro edition
  • Colour overlay added to "Text slide (Hero slider)" Pro edition
  • Added configuration for the general link colour
  • Added configuration for the width of the "Top bar"
  • Added configuration for the width of the "Top navigation"
  • Configuration for the display period in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the display period in the "Text-Slide (Hero-Slider)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the duration of the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added Feature request
  • Configuration for the duration of the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added Feature request
  • Configuration for the image display mode in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the image display mode in the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the background colour of all teasers added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the background colour of texts in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the background colour of texts in the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the overlay background effect in the "Call-to-Action" added Pro edition
  • Configuration for the minimum height in the "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration for the minimum height in the "Text slide (Hero slider)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration for the indentation in the flyout of the top navigation added
  • Configuration for displaying the delivery time on detail pages added Feature request
  • Configuration to hide the product number on detail pages added Feature request
  • Label "Not available" on detail pages added
  • Label "Pre-order" on detail pages added
  • Labels "Delivery time" on detail pages added
  • Added more CSS classes for column margins
  • Added custom field to highlight a category in top navigation Feature request


  • CMS element "Button teaser" entirely clickable Pro edition
  • CMS element "Call-to-Action" entirely clickable Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS element "Call-to-Action slide (Hero slider)" entirely clickable Pro edition Feature request
  • Improved appearance of all teasers in display mode "Standard" Pro edition
  • Improved appearance of "Accept all cookies" button in cookie configuration
  • Product specifications visually grouped on the detail page
  • Text improvements in the theme configuration
  • Theme JS plugins updated
  • Preview of the column CMS blocks improved
  • Preview of the "Button teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Call-to-Action" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Classic teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Discount banner" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Hero slider" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Modern teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Text teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Text teaser (decorated)" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Hover box" improved Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Selection of button colour in "Call-to-Action" fixed Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Flyout search in mobile header fixed
  • Bugfix: Logo width in mobile viewport is applied correctly again
  • Bugfix: "Open media" button in "Hero countdown (Heading)" fixed Pro edition
  • Bugfix: Font size in form inputs is applied correctly again
  • Bugfix: Sticky feature of the "Floating widget" fixed


  • Please check the configuration of the "Top Navigation" after the update.
  • Please check the configuration of your "Hero sliders" after the update. Pro edition
  • For more information on all changes please visit our Service Portal (
Version 2.0


  • New feature "Social Proofing" for product pages added
  • CMS extension "Countdown banner" added Pro edition
  • CMS extension "Countdown banner (compact)" added Pro edition
  • CMS extension "Discount banner" added Pro edition
  • CMS extension "Hero countdown" added Pro edition
  • Added flags for the language menu Feature request
  • "Newsletter subscription" in the account can be hidden Feature request
  • Social icon "X" added Feature request
  • Sharing link "X" added Feature request


  • Colour configuration for payment/shipping methods in account and checkout added


  • Bugfix: JS error "js-field-toggle-newsletter-additional" in newsletter widget fixed


  • Added thumbnail sizes to the manufacturer logo in the manufacturer tab
  • Various SCSS and Twig improvements
  • Bugfix: Colour assignment of the scroll-top button fixed


  • Bugfix: Empty CMS block "Breadcrumb navigation" in the storefront fixed
  • Bugfix: Flags in language selection fixed
  • Deprecated snippet 'component.cms.vimeo.privacyNotice' changed to 'component.cms.vimeo.privacyNoticeText'
  • Deprecated snippet 'footer.serviceContactLink' changed to 'footer.serviceContactText'



  • CMS blocks/elements in administration improved Pro edition
  • Manufacturer in product boxes can be configured separately for each layout type
  • Hover effect of CMS placeholders improved Pro edition
  • Product number in product boxes can be configured separately for each layout type
  • Text alignment "space-between" of the "Top navigation" improved
  • Back to store button in checkout optimized for mobile devices
  • Bugfix: Fixed a change of the maximum width of the shop logo in Shopware
  • Bugfix: Link color of headlines in footer fixed
  • Bugfix: Subscribe in newsletter widget fixed


  • Compatibility established with Shopware 6.5


  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: media-breakpoint-down() uses the breakpoint itself instead of the next breakpoint (e.g., media-breakpoint-down(lg) instead of media-breakpoint-down(md))
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: media-breakpoint-between() uses the breakpoint itself instead of the next breakpoint (e.g., media-between(sm, lg) instead of media-breakpoint-between(sm, md))
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Migrated jQuery to Vanilla JavaScript in JS plugins
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Renamed color-yiq() function and related variables to color-contrast() as it’s no longer related to YIQ colorspace
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace badge-* with bg-*
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace border-right-radius class with border-end-radius
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace border-left-radius class with border-start-radius
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace close with btn-close
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace custom-select with form-select
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace data-toggle with data-bs-toggle
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace data-target with data-bs-target
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace ml-* and mr-* with ms-* and me-*
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace no-gutters with g-0
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace pl-* and pr-* with ps-* and pe-*
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Replace .btn-block class with .d-grid wrapper
  • Bootstrap 5 Migration: Variablen overrides updated
  • CMS styling on CMS product pages improved
  • CSS spacing classes updated to Bootstrap 5
  • Appearance of the pagination updated
  • Theme configuration appearance updated Pro edition
  • Appearance of the "Announcement banner" updated
  • Color of links of the "Call-to-Action" improved Pro edition.
  • Color of links of the "Call-to-Action slide" improved Pro edition
  • Color of links of the "Text slide" improved Pro edition
  • Color of links of the "Hover box" improved Pro edition
  • Footer service menu added to the header
  • Footer service menu added to the offcanvas navigation
  • Light tinted badges and labels updated
  • Hero slider updated to Bootstrap 5 Pro edition
  • Background images are no longer loaded via Twig
  • Content and structure of SCSS files updated
  • Configuration for CSS spacing classes updated
  • Configuration of the "Hover box" extended Pro edition
  • Configuration of the "Button teaser" extended Pro edition
  • Configuration of the "Text teaser" extended Pro edition
  • Configuration of the "Text teaser (Decorated)" extended Pro edition
  • Configuration of the "Call-to-Action" extended Pro edition
  • Configuration and styling of tables updated to Bootstrap 5
  • Added configuration for loading CSS code of CMS elements
  • Added configuration for loading jQuery
  • Newsletter widget in footer updated
  • SEO configuration for CMS elements improved Pro edition
  • Tabs on CMS product pages updated
  • Theme assets restructured
  • Removed deprecated config fields
  • Deprecated SCSS and Twig code removed
  • Preview of CMS blocks and elements updated Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Hover box" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of "Subcategory navigation (Sidebar)" improved Pro edition.
  • Preview of the "Button teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Text teaser" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Text teaser (Decorated)" improved Pro edition
  • Preview of the "Call-to-Action" improved Pro edition


Version 1.1


  • ThemeWare® CMS styling on CMS product pages improved


  • Bugfix: Added "Custom tab" to CMS product pages
  • Bugfix: Sticky "Image gallery and buy box" modal display


  • Bugfix: Colour configuration of the cookie permission fixed
  • Bugfix: Added "Custom tab" to CMS product pages
  • Bugfix: JS error "The plugin CookiePermission is not registered" fixed


  • Benefits icon can be selected


  • Fixed a typo in a help text
  • Bugfix: Improved presentation of the "Modern Grid" on smartphones
  • Bugfix: Colour configuration of the "Classic Teaser" in column and grid blocks fixed
  • Bugfix: JS error "Cannot read properties" in the checkout fixed
  • Bugfix: z-index of the custom header adjusted to privacy overlays of videos


  • Bugfix: Error of the "Custom announcement" fixed


  • Added mobile header layout "Sales Promoting Navigation"
  • Custom tab for product pages added Feature request
  • CMS block "Breadcrumb" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Product name (without manufacturer logo)" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Image gallery and buy box (with product name)" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Image gallery and buy box (with product name & manufacturer logo)" added Pro edition
  • Configuration "Padding left/right" for container in the mobile viewport added
  • Configuration "Open link in new tab" for the "Announcement banner" added Feature request
  • Configuration "Link to" in CMS elements updated (Link types added) Pro edition
  • Configuration "Font size" added for header dropdown menues
  • Close button for the "Announcement banner" added
  • New designs for the cookie permission added
  • New icon sets were added
  • Submit icon in the newsletter widget can be selected Feature request
  • Service menu added to the offcanvas navigation Feature request
  • Sticky configuration for "Gallery and buybox" added Feature request
  • Shopping cart icon in the header can be selected Feature request
  • Shopping cart icon added to buy button


  • Integration of the icon sets refactored (relates to the icons in the header)
  • Configuration of the "Announcement banner" renewed
  • Configuration of the mobile header updated and extended
  • Google Lighthouse: Pagespeed improvements
  • Product videos refactored to be loaded GDPR compliant
  • Improvement of the image quality in the "Hero-Slider (3x)"
  • Improvements in the theme configuration
  • Various improvements to the presentation in the mobile viewports
  • Bugfix: Truncation of long product names in product boxes fixed
  • Bugfix: JS error "document.querySelector search-container NULL" fixed
  • Bugfix: Configuration fields for the "Announcement banner" fixed


  • Please check the new icon configuration in the Tab "Layout" => Block "Typography".
  • Please check the configuration of the "Announcement banner". (The old configuration is in the Tab "Others" => Block "Deprecated")


  • Bugfix: Missing icon for benefits fixed


  • Compatibility established with Shopware


  • Bugfix: Position of the icons of help texts in the theme configuration improved


  • The tab "Manufacturers" is now disabled by default. Please re-enable it if needed.
  • The tab "Product videos" is now disabled by default. Please re-enable it if needed.
  • Twig blocks in template files for tabs on the product page have been renamed. Please check your customisations.


  • Hover image allowed in CMS element "Three columns, product boxes"
  • Bugfix: Colour of the rating stars on product pages adjusted
  • Bugfix: Google Font fixed in Bio themes


  • CMS element "Image banner" added Pro edition
  • Configuration added to "Classic teaser" Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration "HTML tag" added to "Call-to-Action" Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration "HTML tag" added to "Hero slides" Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration "HTML tag" added to "Hover box" Pro edition Feature request


  • Theme fonts are now loaded without Google Fonts
  • Bugfix: Java script error in "Full width sticky header" with hamburg menu solved
  • Bugfix: Payment methods in the buybox are displayed next to each other again


  • Added a hover effect for top navigation
  • Added an individual colour configuration for the home link in top navigation


  • Bugfix: Layout changes of the home link reversed and made possible as a separate configuration


  • The home link has a separate colour configuration. Please check the new configuration.


  • Compatibility established with Shopware 6.4.14


  • Default media for "Hero slider (3x)" added Pro edition


  • Footer widgets can be displayed expanded or permanently expanded in mobile viewports


  • CSS classes for CMS column paddings in grids available
  • Position for product videos in the "Description" tab configurable Feature request
  • Improved appearance of links in the footer
  • Bugfix: Inheritance of child themes during updates fixed Pro edition


  • The footer widgets have been reworked. Please check your template customisations.
Version 1.0


  • Added arrows for menu items with subcategories in top navigation
  • Added configuration for level 3 in the top navigation flyout
  • Short description can be shown in the product box Feature request
  • Added new hover effect for top navigation


  • Added some help texts in the theme configuration
  • Hover effects in product boxes improved
  • Improved appearance of the bootstrap pagination in mobile viewports
  • Improved appearance of the home link in top navigation
  • Various SCSS improvements
  • Bugfix: Preload variables fixed


  • Compatibility established with Shopware 6.4.11
  • Configuration to round the value in the discount badge added Feature request
  • Product badges on product pages can be displayed in the gallery or in the buybox
  • Product badges can be provided with icons
  • Visibility of each individual product badge can be configured
  • Free shipping badge added to the product page
  • Free shipping label added to the product page


  • CMS blocks now have default media Pro edition
  • Colour configuration for the product badges extended
  • Configuration for the labels on the product page extended
  • Configuration for the specifications on the product page extended
  • Configuration for the sharing links on the product page extended
  • Configuration for the payment logos on the product page extended
  • Renamed the template files of the product badges
  • Improved display of the elements in the buybox
  • Bugfix: Inactive filters are now greyed out


  • The product badges have been updated, please check your configuration.


  • Tab "Product videos" for product pages added Feature request
  • Manufacturer logo added to manufacturer tab
  • Custom field for a short description on the product page added Feature request


  • Appearance of the theme configuration improved
  • Minor design adjustments on product pages
  • Configuration in the properties tab extended
  • Configuration in the manufacturer tab extended
  • Twig blocks added to template files for the product page
  • Improved logo presentation in the mobile "Full-width sticky header"


  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Button teaser" Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Classic teaser" Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Modern teaser" Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Text teaser" Pro edition Feature request
  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Text teaser (decorated)" Pro edition Feature request


  • Improved layout of CMS pages in modals
  • Various SCSS improvements
  • Bugfix: Snippets for title attribute in manufacturer tab fixed


  • Hotline can now be displayed in the top bar


  • Bugfix: Wish list button in minimal header removed


  • Widget "Custom text" added in the footer Feature request


  • Maximum image height for "Awards, seals or certificates" allowed
  • Structure categories are no longer clickable in the "Subcategory navigation (Sidebar)"
  • Deprecated files removed
  • Improvements in the theme configuration
  • Bugfix: Display of the search suggestions dropdown in the header 1.2 improved
  • Bugfix: Icons of the benefits can be hidden again in the footer
  • Bugfix: HTML formatting for benefits allowed again


  • CSS classes for column spacing in column blocks are made possible
  • Bugfix: Snippets of the USP bar improved


  • Added explicit width and height to ThemeWare® SSL seal
  • Added explicit width and height to ThemeWare® payment and shipping logos
  • Bugfix: Icon for benefits in the widget and on the product page fixed Cloud edition


  • Compatibility established with Shopware


  • Improvements in the theme configuration


  • Colour configuration for forms added
  • Added new layout type for the "USP bar" in the footer
  • Benefits on the product page added
  • Custom field "Benefits" added for products


  • CSS classes for sharing links on the product page refactored
  • CSS classes for payment logos on the product page refactored
  • Checkmark-Icons in the "Benefits" widget updated
  • Added "Expert mode" option for debugging
  • Removed deprecated snippets from the USP bar
  • Various fixes and improvements to CMS elements
  • Bugfix: Duplicated style tag in HTML-head fixed
  • Bugfix: Structured data fixed on the product page


  • CMS block "Two columns, 3-9" added Cloud edition
  • CMS block "Two columns, 4-8" added Cloud edition
  • CMS block "Two columns, 5-7" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 7-5" added Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 8-4" added Cloud edition
  • CMS block "Two columns, 9-3" added Cloud edition


  • Bugfix: Product slider in multi-column CMS blocks fixed
  • Bugfix: Text color for headlines with links in footer fixed
  • Bugfix: Improved appearance of product images in the cross-selling slider
  • Bugfix: SSL error fixed that can lead to a logout in the customer area


  • ThemeWare® Modern Design Update
  • CMS element "Modern teaser" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'Modern'" added Pro edition
  • Added breakpoint for the overlay in the "Hero slider" Pro edition


  • Snippets of the "USP bar" replaced


Version 0.6


  • Bugfix: Missing arrows in the "Top navigation flyout" fixed
  • Bugfix: USP bar labels with HTML code fixed


  • New compact header layout added
  • New feature "Slideout communities" added
  • The "Communities" can now be placed in the "USP bar
  • The "Top bar" can now be placed in the "USP bar
  • HTML text for "Call-to-Action" enabled Pro edition Feature request
  • HTML text for "Hover box" enabled Pro edition
  • HTML code can be added to the header Feature request
  • JavaScript code can be added to the bottom of the HTML page Feature request
  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Hero-Slider" Pro edition
  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Call-To-Action" Pro edition
  • Configuration for CSS classes added to "Hover-Box" Pro edition
  • Configuration for the maximum width of videos on the product page added Feature request


  • Configuration for the width of the "USP bar" in the header added
  • Configuration for vertical positioning of the "Floating widget" renewed
  • Configuration for tables on the product page extended Feature request
  • Added dropdown for loading the CSS/JS files
  • Some Twig files have been moved and renamed
  • Bugfix: Hiding of custom field 1-3 fixed


  • ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 4
  • Please check your configuration with regard to the changes mentioned above.
  • Please check your template adjustments with regard to the changes mentioned above.
  • For more information on the changes, please visit our Service Portal (
Version 0.5


  • CMS element "Hero slider (3x)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS element "Text teaser" added Pro edition
  • CMS element "Text teaser (decorated)" added Pro edition
  • CMS element "Button teaser" added Pro edition
  • CMS element "Hover box" added Pro edition
  • CMS element "Call-to-Action" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS element "Classic teaser" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS element "Subcategory navigation (Sidebar)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns" added
  • CMS block "Two columns (swapped on phones)" added Pro edition Feature request
  • CMS block "Two columns, 3-9" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Two columns, 4-8" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Two columns, 8-4" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Two columns, 9-3" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Three columns" added
  • CMS block "Three columns, 2-8-2" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Three columns, 3-6-3" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Four columns" added
  • CMS block "Five columns" added
  • CMS block "Six columns" added
  • CMS block "Grid 'One'" added Pro edition
  • CMS block "Grid 'One' (swapped)" added Pro edition
  • New layout types for the top navigation flyout Feature request
  • Separator for the shopping cart button added to the header


  • Extended font configuration for the top navigation flyout


  • ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 3
  • Background images can be deactivated now via the configuration
Version 0.4


  • Added configuration for the spacing above the footer
  • Vertical scrolling of the thumbnail navigation in the gallery slider added


  • Set font size of inputs on iOS devices to 16px to prevent Safari from zooming
  • Text colour of the description for shipping methods in the checkout improved
  • Improved SEO itemprops for the home icon and the home link in the breadcrumb
  • Inheritance of default assets added
  • Bugfix: Display of the "Logged-in badge" fixed
  • Bugfix: Added custom fields to CMS product page


  • Added configuration for the wishlist button in the product box
  • Layout type "full-width" for product images in the product box added Feature request
  • Twitch social icon added Feature request
  • Xing social icon added


  • Performance improvement for the crossfade hover image
  • Some social icons updated
  • Bugfix: CMS page ID with 32 characters as body class fixed
  • Bugfix: Colouring of the social icons fixed


  • Theme specific custom fields made possible
  • Added custom fields 1, 2 and 3 for the product specifications on product pages
  • Added custom field for hover images in the product box
  • Added custom field for YouTube videos in the description on the product page Feature request
  • Added custom field for Vimeo videos in the description on the product page Feature request
  • Added custom field for individual CSS classes of categories
  • Added custom field for the "Shopping Experiences Header" in categories
  • Added "Logged-in badge" for the account button Feature request


  • Dynamic year in the snippet of the copyright notice available
  • Translation of the sales channel name in the copyright notice improved
  • More CSS classes can be activated or deactivated via configuration
  • Bugfix: Display mode of product images in product boxes in different layout types fixed


  • ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 2
Version 0.3


  • Added configuration for background colour of the cart badge in the header
  • Added configuration for background colour of the wishlist badge in the header
  • Added configuration for the number of lines of product names in product boxes
  • New box-shadow configuration for product boxes


  • Bugfix: Fixed a bug in customisable links of the entity 'Category' in the footer navigation
  • Configuration for the compatibility of the footer replaced (HC-Architecture®)
  • Added option for a shorter CMS page ID as body class
  • Improved display of captcha variants in the newsletter widget
  • Minor CSS improvements in the theme configuration


  • Minor fixes and improvements
  • Bugfix: Slider navigation dots variable fixed


  • Bugfix: Display of logos in the widget 'Payment and shipping methods' fixed


  • Added configuration for background colour of the fullscreen search
  • Added round corners for action buttons in header
  • Added more display options for the headline in the description tab Feature request
  • Payment methods added to product page


  • Bugfix: Display of the stock in the product information fixed
  • Bugfix: Display of the 'sold out label' fixed
  • Bugfix: The text colour of the announcement banner is now applied to the link
  • Bugfix: Colour assignment of pagination fixed
  • Bugfix: Gallery slider fixed


  • Improved display of badges with small font sizes
  • Google Fonts import updated
  • Bugfix: Improved display of the rating in product boxes
  • Bugfix: Sidebar widget 'Element 3' fixed


  • Added new display type fullscreen search
  • Added animations for the navigation flyout


  • Added hover effect for product boxes
  • Hover effects of product boxes can be applied to article sliders Feature request
  • Bugfix: Fixed the colour assignment of the slider dot navigation
  • Bugfix: Google Fonts import fixed
  • Bugfix: Manufacturer name is now displayed in the manufacturer tab
  • Bugfix: Individual CSS code is no longer escaped
  • Bugfix: Text colour for payment method description in checkout fixed
  • Bugfix: Fixed 404 error when loading the default font


  • The styling for Shopping Experiences has been completely refactored
  • Added new designs for pagination
  • Added new designs for the breadcrumb
  • Added new designs for the scoll-up button
  • Added new designs for the arrow navigation in sliders
  • Added new designs for the dot navigation in sliders


  • Snippets of the 'Properties' tab replaced
  • Snippets of the 'Manufacturer' tab replaced


  • For more information on changes, please visit our service portal.


  • Compatibility established with Shopware 6.4
  • CSS scroll animations added for shopping experiences
  • CMS pages have their own classes in the html body
  • The styling for CMS pages can be activated/deactivated
  • The CMS page ID can be added as a body class
  • Added manufacturer information as tab for product pages Feature request
  • Configuration of the number of columns for all listing layout types differentiated Feature request
  • Added configuration to show the manufacturer in the product box Feature request
  • More display options for the elements in the product box added Feature request


  • The breadcrumb navigation has been completely revised and has new configuration options
  • Configuration for hiding the 'variant characteristics' added (Product box)
  • Configuration for hiding the 'price unit' added (Product box)
  • Configuration for hiding the 'cheapest price' added (Product box)
  • Configuration to hide the 'list price' added (Product box)
  • Configuration to hide the 'List price in percent' added (Product box)
  • Empty cross-selling elements can be hidden on product pages
  • Snippets of the stock label replaced
  • Snippets of the stock badge replaced
  • Snippets of the discount badge replaced
  • Snippets of the 'Properties' tab replaced
  • Almost all template files have been updated
  • Some template files have been moved or renamed
  • Bugfix: Background image of the 'Copyright footer' no longer affects the 'Minimal footer'


  • ThemeWare® 'Mega Release' part 1
  • Please note that a few snippets have been replaced (see 'Changes').
  • For more information on changes, please visit our service portal.
Version 0.2


  • Added configuration 'Show only custom images' for payment and shipping logos
  • Bugfix: Line spacing of headings in smartphone viewport adjusted
  • Bugfix: Spelling errors in theme manager fixed
  • Bugfix: Missing sidebar widgets fixed


  • Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the footer that removed the benefits widget


  • Floating/slideout widget added
  • Text logo added


  • Added background colour for the main footer section
  • Twig files of the widgets moved to the 'widgets' folder
  • New configuration fields are now transferred to theme duplicates (On Premise)
  • Bugfix: Error in storefront:hot-proxy mode fixed


  • Added configuration for the background image of the copyright footer
  • Mobile appearance in checkout and login optimized


  • Newsletter and copyright background image added for ThemeWare® Kids
  • Bugfix: Search in mobile header (sticky) does not scroll
  • Bugfix: Colour of search icon in the sticky top navigation corrected


  • Added configuration for the number of columns in listings
  • Added free shipping badge for listings
  • Viewport dependent spacing classes for shopping experiences added
  • Added additional headlines for better usability to the 'Registration' page in the checkout
  • Responsive font scaling added


  • Added and renamed some own Twig blocks
  • Sold-out functions now take variants into account
  • Sold-out label can now be activated/deactivated separately
  • Improved spacing between the buttons in the cookie permission
  • Improved display of general forms
  • Improved display of slider navigations
  • Optimized checkout header display for mobile devices
  • Bugfix: Display of rating 'above product image' improved
  • Bugfix: Double discount badge corrected
  • Bugfix: Separator lines for the last element in the mobile footer corrected


  • New layout type 'Global' added for desktop search
  • Added configuration for the background colour of the header actions
  • Added configuration for background images of the footer areas
  • Added colour configuration for buttons
  • New footer section 'Logos footer' added


  • Added configuration of the margin for the top navigation
  • Added colour configuration for sharing links
  • Improved display of the logo in the header 1.2
  • Bugfix: Align awards centred in the lower and upper footer sections


  • Bugfix: Improved display of the sharing links detail pages


  • Added function 'Weaken products after clearance'
  • Sharing links added to the detail page
  • Stock can be added to the detail page
  • Added wide layout for the price table on the detail page
  • Added wide layout for the properties table on the detail page
  • Configuration to display social icons in the copyright footer added


  • Removed not displayed USPs from the USP bar
  • Bugfix: Avoid unwanted badges on the detail page
  • Bugfix: Improved display of the sticky navigation in boxed layouts


  • Added colour configuration for the details button


  • Improved configuration of the buttons in the cookie permission
  • Bugfix: Use default iconset on Internet Explorer


  • Added display options for the product rating in the listing
  • Added colour configuration for the product rating


  • Improved display of the newsletter in layout 'default (1 column)'
  • Improved display of the service navigation in the mobile footer
  • Honeypot captcha added to the footer newsletter


  • Available stock used for stock label and stock badges
  • Improved display of the tabs on the product page
  • Improved display of texts in the checkout sidebar
  • Bugfix: Missing social icons in the app fixed
  • Bugfix: Cookie-permission as card was always visible
  • Bugfix: Improved display of centered headlines in the mobile footer


  • Added snippets for alt/title attributes of custom logos (awards, payment and shipping logos)
  • Improved compatibility for the Shopware app system


  • Added new feature 'Custom announcement' for the detail page and the checkout
  • Added start and end date for the announcement banner
  • Custom payment and shipping logos can be added
  • Added URL field for external CSS file
  • Added URL field for external JavaScript file
  • Added infotext 'Picture similar' on the detail page
  • Headline 'Product information...' can be hidden
  • Added heading above the properties table
  • Added infotext under the properties table


  • Label of the hamburger menu can be hidden
  • Sales channel name can be selected instead of the shop name in the copyright footer
  • Bugfix: Spacing of structuring elements in top navigation adjusted
  • Bugfix: Improved display of centered headlines in the mobile footer
  • Bugfix: Sticky top navigation moved above the PayPal button
Version 0.1


  • Awards can be linked


  • Container padding configurable for different viewports
  • Further custom images in awards widget available
  • Bugfix: Disabling of the sticky top-navigation fixed
  • Bugfix: Improved display of product badges on the detail page


  • Links can be used in the USP-Bar snippets
  • Added transparent/monochrome social icons
  • Added individual icon colour for social icons in the sidebar


  • rel attribute noopener added for external links
  • Fixed configuration of font sizes in the footer hotline widget


  • Bug fixed when updating to version 0.1.8.


  • Enables color configuration for the primary and secondary buttons of the cookie permission
  • Loading order optimized for plugins


  • Removed double hamburger menu of the top navigation (if the display is configured as hamburger menu) on mobile
  • Thumbnails below the image are displayed again


  • Compatibility for Shopware improved


  • New layout for communities added
  • New function to load individual CSS code added


  • Compatibility for Shopware improved


  • Added further configuration for sidebar headlines
  • Improved display of the header in the boxed layout
  • Double category filter removed on mobile
  • Filter element distance corrected downwards on mobile


  • Widgets made available for the CMS sidebars
  • Added tooltips for the USP bar


  • Added hover effect for the payment and shipping logos
  • Added hover effect for the social icons
  • New color configurations for tables
  • Various SCSS and Twig improvements


  • Various improvements in the storefront
  • Bugfix: Search button in mobile viewport


  • Theme specific classes added to the body
  • Dynamic CMS classes added
  • Beta function: Load individual CSS code
  • Improved display of the icons
  • Improved SSL seal display
  • Improved display of the top navigation in the boxed layout


  • Bugfix: Links do not have a discernible name (Google Lighthouse)


  • First release for Shopware On-Premises

ThemeWare® Update-Newsletter

You never miss a ThemeWare® News and updates more.

We never share your data with third parties. You can delete your email address from our system at any time with just one click. You can use the ThemeWare® Utilities here without registering with your e-mail address. You register with your registration to our newsletter. At the end of each email you can unsubscribe with one click. We will send you only relevant information and offers from us (usually 1-2 mails per week). All data will be transmitted 256 Bit SSL encrypted.


The overview:
All releases (or updates or versions) of ThemeWare® are displayed in the Changlog overview. The releases are grouped into major versions so that the list is clearer. For each major version you will find the corresponding ThemeWare® releases. Each release shows you the following information at first glance:

Version | Date The version number and the date of release of the update.
Feature The "Feature" badge indicates that there are new features, configurations or extensions in an update.
Premium request The "Premium request" badge indicates that one or more premium requests have been realised in an update.
Bugfix The "Bugfix" badge indicates that there are fixes in an update.
Note The "Note" badge indicates that there is some important information about an update.
The release:

Clicking on a release (or an update or a version) opens the changelog of the release. Here you will find detailed information about features, updates and, if applicable, important notes.

Highlights In the "Highlights" section you will find new features, configurations or extensions of the update.
Changes In the "Changes" section you will find all changes, improvements or bugfixes of the update.
Notes In the "Notes" section you will find important information about the update. Please check these notes carefully before updating.
Premium request The "Premium request" badge indicates that a corresponding feature or change has been ordered (sponsored).
Feature request The "Feature request" badge indicates that a corresponding feature or change, has been implemented on request, as a suggestion for improvement.
Pro Edition The "Pro Edition" badge indicates that a corresponding feature or change only relates to the Pro Edition.
Cloud Edition The "Cloud Edition" badge indicates that a corresponding feature or change only relates to the Cloud Edition.