Portal for Shopware 5

ThemeWare® 3.2.4

Published: 12. September, 2024

ThemeWare® 3.2.4

ThemeWare® 3.2.4 is now available! 🎉 The new release includes the following changes:


  • The position of the breadcrumb in the "Hero section" extension can be configured #PremiumRequest
  • Configuration "show (via custom field)" added to the "Listing subcategories" extension
  • Configuration "Position" of the "Badges" in the buy box added
  • Configuration "Position" of the "Benefits" in the buy box added #FeatureRequest
  • Configuration "Show headline" of the "Benefits" in the buy box added


  • Presentation of the new "Close" button of the search in Shopware improved
  • Round corners of the "Search" button in Shopware improved
  • Improvements to the "Sticky image gallery and buy box" functionality
  • Various improvements to the "Listing subcategories" extension
  • Various improvements and fixes to the "Hero section" extension
  • Bugfix: Outside slider navigation points not visible in Shopware


The position of the breadcrumb in the "Hero section" extension can be configured #PremiumRequest

The breadcrumb in the "Hero section" can now be displayed above the category name/text.

Configuration "show (via custom field)" added to the "Listing subcategories" extension

The extension "Listing subcategories" can now be displayed in selected categories via an additional field, just like the "Hero section".

Configuration "Position" of the "Badges" in the buy box added

Badges in the buy box can now be displayed above the short description.

Configuration "Position" of the "Benefits" in the buy box added #FeatureRequest

A feature request regarding the position of the benefits in the buy box has been implemented. The benefits can now be displayed above the price.

Configuration "Show headline" of the "Benefits" in the buy box added

The benefits headline in the buy box can now be hidden.

Changes in detail

Presentation of the new "Close" button of the search in Shopware improved

The appearance of the new "Close" button of the search field in Shopware has been improved. A colour configuration is still in progress.

Round corners of the "Search" button in Shopware improved

The rounding of the "Search" button has been improved in regard to the new "Close" button of Shopware

Improvements to the "Sticky image gallery and buy box" functionality

The "Sticky image gallery and buy box" function has been improved and should now work in all "Image gallery and buy box" blocks of ThemeWare®.

Various improvements to the "Listing subcategories" extension

The "Listing subcategories" extension has been reworked and received various improvements at template level.

Various improvements and fixes to the "Hero section" extension

The "Hero section" extension has been reworked and received various improvements at template level. Furthermore, the colour assignment and the pull-up function have been fixed.

Bugfix: Outside slider navigation dots not visible in Shopware

The navigation dots of the slider are currently not displayed correctly in the default theme from Shopware. This relates to the setting "Outside". ThemeWare® fixes this temporarily.