Portal for Shopware 5

ThemeWare® 2.2.1

Published: 15. February, 2024

ThemeWare® 2.2.1

ThemeWare® 2.2.1 is now available! 🎉 The new release includes the following changes:


  • Compatibility with Shopware improved
  • Measures in the "Product specifications" use local decimal separators #FeatureRequest
  • Improvements in the theme configuration and in some files
  • Bugfix: Error with multiple successive "Hero sliders" fixed [Pro Edition]
  • Bugfix: Improved representation of price filters in different browsers

Changes in detail

Compatibility with Shopware improved

We have made minor improvements in ThemeWare® 2.2.1 to improve the representation of new features of Shopware

Measures in the "Product specifications" use local decimal separators #FeatureRequest

The measures in the "Product specifications" now use country-specific decimal separators.

Improvements in the theme configuration and in some files

A few SCSS/Twig files have been tidied up. In addition some help texts and labels of configuration fields in the theme configuration have been improved.

Bugfix: Error with multiple successive "Hero sliders" fixed [Pro]

A bug that in certain cases affected the navigation of multiple consecutive "Hero sliders" has been fixed.

Bugfix: Improved representation of price filters in different browsers

A representation error of the price filter in some browsers has been fixed.