Portal for Shopware 5

ThemeWare® 2.0.2

Published: 29. June, 2023

ThemeWare® 2.0.2

ThemeWare® 2.0.2 is now available! 🎉 The new release includes the following changes:


  • Bugfix: Empty CMS block "Breadcrumb navigation" in the storefront fixed
  • Bugfix: Flags in language selection fixed
  • Deprecated snippet component.cms.vimeo.privacyNotice changed to component.cms.vimeo.privacyNoticeText
  • Deprecated snippet footer.serviceContactLink changed to footer.serviceContactText

Changes in detail

Bugfix: Empty CMS block "Breadcrumb navigation" in the storefront fixed

Fixed a bug where the CMS breadcrumb navigation was accidentally hidden by the breadcrumb theme configuration.

Bugfix: Flags in language selection fixed

In Shopware 6.5 the isoCode of the country flags in the header was changed. This change was transferred to the tempalte language-widget.html.twig.


set flagCountry = isoCode[0]
set flagLanguage = isoCode[1]


set flagCountry = isoCode[1]
set flagLanguage = isoCode[0]

Deprecated snippets changed

In Shopware 6.5, some Shopware snippets that opened modals have been replaced. Due to the change, the JavaScript plugin AjaxModal can now open Bootstrap modals.


<a data-bs-toggle="modal" data-url="/my/route" href="/my/route">Open Ajax Modal</a>


<a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/my/route" href="/my/route">Open Ajax Modal</a>

This affects the following snippets:

  • general.privacyNotice => general.privacyNoticeText
  • account.profileDelete => account.profileDeleteText
  • checkout.confirmTerms => checkout.confirmTermsText
  • checkout.confirmTermsReminder => checkout.confirmTermsReminderText
  • contact.privacyNotice => contact.privacyNoticeText
  • footer.serviceContactLink => footer.serviceContactText
  • footer.includeVat => footer.includeVatText
  • footer.excludeVat => footer.excludeVatText
  • cookie.message => cookie.messageText
  • component.cms.vimeo.privacyNotice => component.cms.vimeo.privacyNoticeText

The new snippets are now used in the storefront. The old snippets are still available in the snippet administration so that you can migrate them more easily.

In ThemeWare®, the following two snippets are affected by the change, at the template level:

Deprecated snippet 'component.cms.vimeo.privacyNotice' changed

The snippet component.cms.vimeo.privacyNotice is deprecated. Instead, the snippet component.cms.vimeo.privacyNoticeText is used now.


NEXT-24448 | Fix console error on AjaxModal {% endembed %}

Deprecated snippet 'footer.serviceContactLink' changed

The footer.serviceContactLink snippet is deprecated. Instead, the footer.serviceContactText snippet is used now.


NEXT-24448 | Fix console error on AjaxModal {% endembed %}


Due to the changes to the snippets in Shopware 6.5, we recommend that you check the above snippets. For example, the newsletter widget is often used in the ThemeWare® Footer. There, Shopware previously used the snippet: contact.privacyNotice. Now this is: contact.privacyNoticeText