Portal for Shopware 5

ThemeWare® 1.1.0

Published: 12. July, 2022

ThemeWare® 1.1.0

In ThemeWare® 1.1.0 we have integrated a few exciting features and improvements that we would like to present to you in this article.


Footer widgets can be displayed expanded or permanently expanded in mobile viewports

There is a new layout option for footer columns in mobile viewport. Footer columns can now be displayed closed, open and permanently open.

"Shipping methods" column: open (left), closed (centre) and permanently open (right)
"Shipping methods" column: open (left), closed (centre) and permanently open (right)


CSS classes for CMS column paddings in grids available

The ThemeWare® CSS classes for column spacings can now be used in grid CMS blocks.

Grid "Modern" without spacings
Grid "Modern" without spacings

Position for product videos in the "Description" tab configurable

A #FeatureRequest for the positioning of product videos in the "Description" tab has been implemented with ThemeWare® 1.1.0. Product videos can now be displayed above the properties table.

Product videos in the tab "Description"
Product videos in the tab "Description"
